The corporate structure of a business is the bedrock on which it builds its growth. In many cases, especially for international businesses, establishing and maintaining companies can be a complex undertaking.

Experienced legal advice is advisable to ensure you choose the right vehicle that will be appropriate for your purposes now and as your business develops in the future.

Incorporation and Formation of Legal Entities

Conyers Corporate Services can assist you with the incorporation and formation of legal entities quickly, efficiently and seamlessly in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate. Working with your other advisers, our professional team will deliver the best guidance at every stage, allowing you to focus on your operations and the opportunities that lie before you without the distraction of concerns about infrastructure. Our many years of experience mean that we are market leaders in this area, with streamlined processes and long-established relationships with regulators that allow us to facilitate the creation of new entities quickly and smoothly, minimizing complications.

Initially, we determine whether the proposed name of a new company or limited partnership is available and meets regulatory requirements. If the proposed name is available and suitable (the precise rules vary among jurisdictions), incorporation or formation documents can be prepared and filed in a very short period of time.

Our offering does not end there. In Bermuda, we offer a full suite of specialist services for those who wish to establish a physical presence on the island, including advice on immigration and employment contracts and responsibilities such as payroll tax and health insurance, as well as securing premises and residential accommodation.
