Companies and funds incorporated in Bermuda, the BVI or the Cayman Islands require non-executive independent directors to take fiduciary responsibility for their interests and ensure that all their regulatory requirements are met.

Independent Directors and Corporate Governance

Conyers Corporate Services is a market leader in providing first class locally-based directorship services in Bermuda, the BVI and the Cayman Islands. We provide you with supportive, proactive and comprehensive service aligned to your specific needs, including, where possible, directors with experience in your industry. Our close relationship with Conyers legal teams ensures that legal advice is readily and quickly available, whenever required.

Our professional directors have a detailed understanding of all regulations governing companies and funds in our jurisdictions. Acting in the best interests of your company, they will:

  • Provide central management and control in the jurisdiction of incorporation
  • Attend regular board meetings, in person or by conference call, as frequently as required
  • Ensure strategic, commercial and policy decisions are recorded and filed in the minute book
  • Review proposed changes to statutory documentation, including the company’s memorandum and articles of association
  • For investment funds, reviewing offering documents
  • Authorise payments
  • Review and approve agreements and contracts with third parties
  • Review and approve annual financial statements
  • Facilitate opening of bank accounts
  • Conduct Board reviews
  • Assist with drafting of governance policies


Jarladth Travers

Head of Conyers Governance (Cayman) Limited

Cayman Islands

Charlotte Cloete

Head of Conyers Corporate Services (Cayman) Limited

Cayman Islands

Terry-Ann Arch

Senior Vice President of Conyers Governance (Cayman) Limited

Cayman Islands

All Directorships Contacts