Successful capital markets deals call for a full understanding of your business: its strengths, challenges and operating environment. Conyers advises many of the world’s most recognised companies and institutions on their equity and debt capital raisings.

From offices in Bermuda, the BVI and the Cayman Islands, as well as Hong Kong, London and Singapore, your Conyers team has the experience and knowledge to assist with your capital markets requirements, whatever their size or complexity. You will benefit from seamless and responsive service across our global network, drawing on deep knowledge of the markets, true understanding of your business needs, and a solutions-driven approach.

Our services include:

Equity capital markets

With Conyers, your matter is in the hands of an offshore market leader and adviser to FTSE 100, Fortune 100, and other public companies on equity-raising transactions including IPOs, SPACs and other offerings on the NYSE, Nasdaq, LSE, HKSE, TSX, CSX, AIM and many other international stock exchanges.

Debt capital markets

Conyers offers offshore legal advice to listed and unlisted Bermuda, BVI and Cayman Islands companies engaged in raising debt capital. Take advantage of your legal team’s wealth of experience in all areas of debt capital markets work, both secured and unsecured, including an array of bond and high-yield note offerings: investment grade, senior unsecured, high yield, convertible and exchangeable, credit enhanced and perpetual.


Marcello Ausenda

Director, Head of Bermuda Corporate Practice


Alan Dickson

Partner, Head of Cayman Islands Office

Cayman Islands

Robert J.D. Briant

Partner, Head of BVI Corporate Practice

British Virgin Islands

All Capital Markets Contacts